On the issues...

Inflation and $5 Gas

Bad politics and reckless economic policy has led to gas being over $5/gallon for the first time in history. Adjusted for inflation we are paying more than during the Great Depression, the Oil Embargo of the 70s and even Obama’s term in office.

Protect America from China, from extremism, from Biden 

Slave labor, Uyghurs detention camps, theft of U.S. intellectual property, global economic sabotage, the list goes on. Make no mistake, China is threat to a safe and stable America and world at large. From labs in Wuhan to artificial and illegal islands in the South Sea they are not to be underestimated. Our current administration has failed in Afghanistan, Russia and at home. China is just another opportunity for Biden, Pelosi and their team to put us at risk

Parents Raise Children

School Choice and Parent's Choice.  The government is FOR the People not to control the people.

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